There was not a seat to be had! From “Earth, Wind and Fire” to “Eye of the Tiger”, feet were tapping and hands clapping at the Annual Jazz Night … READ MORE
Who are the Friends of Oundle Parish Church?
St Peter's Church is the parish church of Oundle (a market town in Northamptonshire). It is a much loved and very beautiful building which is also used by the community of Oundle for a wide variety of functions. It is part of everyone's heritage as well as being a well used building in the heart of Oundle.
The Friends of Oundle Parish Church (FOPC) was formed in 1983 to help safeguard and maintain St Peter's Church by raising and establishing funds to preserve, improve, update and enhance the fabric and fittings of the building.
The Friends are well known for our annual Jazz night.
Want to find out more about this fantastic annual event? Click the following link :
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